13 - 06 - 2024
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ecovacs t9 aivi review b

   Three reasons made me so interested in checking the DEEBOT T9 AIVI out, 1st that its predecessor delivered on everything I wanted from a robot vacuum, 2nd that it featured a built-in camera (which is a cool feature overall) and 3rd that it came in black color. So right from the get go you can expect 2 things from the DEEBOT T9 AIVI, the same and better 3D mapping and object avoidance compared to the DEEBOT T9 and just as impressive cleaning results (just slightly better at vacuuming). Unfortunately, what it gains in vacuuming performance the T9 AIVI loses in battery life when compared to the T9, possibly due to the 960p HD camera used (the dual-brushes may also require more power to spin). Of course, at well over 2 hours at standard suction the DEEBOT T9 AIVI still does very well in this area (and far better compared to most models in my charts) so I seriously doubt this will be an issue for anyone. Noise levels are also very good and even though I was expecting the dual-brushes of the T9 AIVI to be noisier compared to the single one of the T9 they actually seem to be making less noise. As for the camera again, I can’t say that I was impressed with its picture quality (especially at low light scenarios – I hope ECOVACS puts an 1080p with night-vision in its next AIVI model) but it can come in handy and on top of that it does help with object avoidance (again, it works best in bright areas).

   Retailing for 639Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de – limited time offer) the DEEBOT T9 AIVI by ECOVACS is both far from expensive (at least compared to its immediate competition) and at the same time not quite what I’d call affordable. As with most things in the electronics industry however it all comes down to what you want and what your needs are so if you think the 960p HD camera of the DEEBOT T9 AIVI can be of use to you then great, if not however then you may save a bit by opting for the DEEBOT T9 instead. As for me, well I truly believe that the DEEBOT T9 AIVI is clearly up there with the best robot vacuum cleaners currently and that’s why it gets the Platinum Award.


- Build Quality
- Suction Power (
- Battery Life (
- Noise Levels (Compared To Both Similar Models & A Regular Vacuum)
TrueMapping 3D v2.0 LDS/dToF Laser Navigation/AIVI 2.0 (Mapping Accuracy)
Vacuum & Mopping Feature
(Bin & Tank)
- Mopping Performance (Up To 480 Oscillations Per Minute)
- 960p HD Camera With 2 Way Communication


- Price (For Some)
- Current Availability
- 960p HD Camera Clarity