13 - 06 - 2024
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dreame t30 review 6t

Dreame has chosen light grey/silver for the main body of the T30 and i believe that it's a much more balanced color for smart oriented homes that for example white.



At the top we find the company logo and a sticker revealing its meaning.



A gun like handle with a red trigger is located at the rear of the vacuum.



Here we also find the color LCD screen, lock and suction mode buttons, charging port and the removable lithium-polymer battery.



Cleaning the T30 is very easy, just remove the cup and take it apart as seen above.



The 68cm long stick/rod is made out of carbon fiber so it's not only very light but also very durable.



The main v-roller is not something we haven’t seen in the past with other cordless vacuum sticks (also lacks LED lights). The roller brush inside on the other hand is one of the highest quality ones I’ve seen to date.



Same with the mini electric brush, again something we’ve seen quite a few times in the past. In terms of quality its roller brush is just ok.



Both the extension hose and the flexible adapter are very convenient tools that allow the end user to clean hard to reach areas.



Top to bottom the T30 measures roughly 125cm.



The wall mountable charging/storage base is made out of plastic which doesn’t really stand out (perhaps that was the entire idea) and aside the main body of the T30 you can attach all extras but 1 brush on it.



The color LCD screen is very easy to read even tells you the remaining battery life of each mode both in % and minutes (quite accurate also).