01 - 06 - 2024
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The Dreame Bot L10 Pro weighs 3.7Kg and measures 350mm in diameter and 96.8mm in height.



As with most models the LDS laser is located at the top right next to the power on/off/start cleaning/stop cleaning, spot cleaning and return to base/dock buttons.



Typically, the top opens up to reveal the 570ml dust bin, reset button and the WiFi activity LED.



As expected, the dust bin opens open on one side and has a HEPA filter on the other.



At the front we find the two 3D obstacle avoidance sensors (at the rear we have the usual speaker/air outlet perforation).



Turning the Bot L10 Pro over we find two rubber wheels, main brush, 6 cliff sensors, side brush mount, charging contacts and the omni-directional wheel.



Attaching the water tank/mopping module is very easy, just slide it at the rear end as seen in the above picture.



270ml may not be much but the Bot L10 Pro makes up for that with its electronic control.



The black glossy charging base is nothing we haven't seen numerous times in the past.