01 - 06 - 2024
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eufy x8 hybrid review 1t

Eufy uses a black box to ship the X8 Hybrid inside which as expected has their logo at the front right over a product picture and the main product features.



3 pictures at the rear of the box are used to showcase the main features in 8 languages (the bundle contents are also listed here along with contact information for eufy).



Once you open the box, you'll find another piece of cardboard over the vacuum and the clear plastic waterproof pad on the other side.



So aside the waterproof pad (which eufy recommends attaching to the charging base) and the RoboVac X8 Hybrid inside the box you'll also find the charging base, water tank with washable mopping cloth mounted, several disposable mopping cloths, HEPA filter, side brush, 5 cable ties, warranty information paper, quick start guide and the user manual.