13 - 06 - 2024
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ecovacs deebot x1 omni review b

   Let’s start with the obvious thing, cleaning performance. Well, the DEEBOT X1 OMNI does a phenomenal job in that regard and better than any other robot vacuum cleaner I’ve reviewed and used to date (the extra cleaning solution does help as well, as opposed to not using one at all that is). That’s not all however so thanks to its docking station you may not need to empty the dust bag or the dirty water tank (nor add more water to the clean water tank) for roughly a week. Noise levels are also reduced compared to previous models and as for battery life (keep in mind my tests were done with both sweeping and mopping – doubt anyone will be getting the DEEBOT X1 OMNI just for sweeping) although plenty as expected it finishes before the T9 models. Still not all with the DEEBOT X1 OMNI is perfect, for example power consumption can be an issue over time. You see even though during recharge and cleaning of the two mops the docking station uses roughly 10-15W and 20-40W respectively when it engages hot air to dry the mops that number climbs to just over 95W and with electricity costs the way they are now this could end up being an issue for some people, especially if you plan on using it daily since the lowest drying time is 2 hours (yes, people who spend this much on a robot vacuum probably don’t care but I do have to point this out). For some strange reason the DEEBOT X1 OMNI also didn’t clean the entire floor of the lab as thoroughly as every other ECOVACS model to date. As a matter of fact, if you check the cleaning log I posted you can see that in most cases it would just clean from 4 to 9 square meters which basically means that on auto it would not even go to clean a couple of the rooms. This was resolved by using the custom option (where it actually covered 30 square meters) so this should be easily fixed with a firmware update. As for the Jacob Jensen Design even though most people that came to the lab seem to have liked it that wasn’t the case with me since I’d rather have an all-black theme instead of silver and dark gray (that’s just my personal preference however).

   With almost 2 weeks until Christmas the DEEBOT X1 OMNI by ECOVACS is actually on sale for USD999 in the USA (Amazon.com) and for 999Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de). Of course, even at 1k the DEEBOT X1 OMNI is a very expensive robot vacuum cleaner but for people who are looking for the best there is this will probably not look like much (and ECOVACS is probably well aware of this). As for me, well after 2 months of testing the DEEBOT X1 OMNI both at the lab and at home I’m certain that this is just the beginning of what we can expect from robotic vacuum cleaners and since it’s clearly the best model to arrive in the lab to date it deserves the Platinum Award.


- Excellent Build Quality
- Cleaning Results
- Suction Power (5000Pa)
- TrueMapping 2.0 / AIVI 3D (Mapping Accuracy)
- OZMO Turbo 2.0 Mopping (Dual Round Mops / 180 rotations per minute)
- Docking Station (Dust Bag / Mop Cleaning)
- Clean & Dirty Water Tanks (4L Each)
- Battery Life (5200mAh)
- Camera With 2 Way Communication
- Bot Clean Liquid (Extra)


- Price (For Some)
- Auto Cleaning Area (Firmware Update?)
- Power Consumption (Hot Air Drying)
- Camera Clarity