01 - 06 - 2024
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Once you use the EufyLife app for the first time it will ask you to add data on your gender, weight and age.

After that the app will create a 3D model of you which you'll see each time you open it next to which you'll see several measurements.



Pressing on the data box reveals all 16 available measurements under which eufy classifies the numbers with normal, low and high.



If you'd like to connect the EufyLife app with third party services like Apple Health, Google Fit or Fitbit you can do so from inside the devices tab (here you can also set a weighing reminder which by default is set at 8 in the morning).



Finally, from inside the settings tab you can change the mass unit, enable/disable the heart rate function, enable/disable safe mode (disables sending the electrical current through your body - not suitable for pregnant women and people with pacemakers), share the P2 Pro with other people and check for firmware updates.