01 - 06 - 2024
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inkbird ink rd2 radon monitor review b

   Unlike CO and other gasses Radon is mostly dependent on the type of soil of each location and well, at least where I’m located it’s not really an issue. It’s worth pointing out that Radon levels never surpassed 29 Bq/m3 during the 1+ month I ended up using the INK-RD2 (for many countries the current safety level is set below <150 Bq/m3). This however is not the case with other areas so I do suggest looking up online whether or not you live in a place that has such a recorded issue (Alaska, Germany, Norway, Switzerland and France for example are places where Radon is an issue for many people). What may drive away some potential buyers is that the INK-RD2 can only be used to measure Radon and well even though i too would prefer a device capable of measuring every single harmful gas out there that’s easier said than done and that aside dedicated devices usually work a lot better than all-in-one models.

   So, just how much will the INK-RD2 Radon Smart Monitor set you back? Well, currently the INK-RD2 retails for USD169.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 208.39Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de). Now i can’t really commend on price cause for some people it will seem fine (it’s related to health after all) and to some it will not, what I can comment on is performance and the INKBIRD INK-RD2 does a very good job with Radon detection thus the Golden Award is clearly in order.


- Overall Quality
- Accurate Radon Detection (Pulsed Ion Chamber Sensor)
- INKBIRD App (Remote Access)
- LED Display
- Speaker (Alarm)


- Price (For Some)
- Only Detects Radon (For Some)