14 - 06 - 2024
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huawei honor b

   We've had the U8860 Honor by Huawei in our possession for well over a month during which we used it the same way as our own smartphones (best way to find bugs) and i have to say that it impressed us all with its flawless and bug-free operation (even the LG Optimus 2X has quite a few glitches) and smooth slide of just about everything from its menus up to the web browser. Call quality was almost excellent and even though i can't really figure out how it managed to surpass the Motorola Atrix in that section at the end of the day it seems that Huawei is not amongst the leading manufacturers in everything related with communications for no reason. Specs-wise the Honor falls behind today’s standards mostly because of the single core 1.4GHz MSM8255T CPU, still it is capable of 720p content playback (makes sense since it comes with 720p recording capability) as long as it's not heavily encoded. Now I’ve heard some people complaining about the responsiveness of the 4"FWVGA screen but during all the days we've been using the Honor i can't really say that we came across any issues not even slight ones. Granted the 4"FWVGA screen is far from perfect and we do prefer the one of the LG Optimus 2X but unless you use the Honor under direct and strong sunlight you shouldn't have any problems with it. Finally the 8MP camera was better than we'd hoped for since personally i consider it on par as the ones found in the LG Optimus 2X and the Motorola Atrix, on the downside however both the Optimus 2X and the Atrix shoot quite better 720p video clips than the Honor.


   If you've been using one of the latest smartphones to hit the market such as the LG Optimus 2X or the Motorola Atrix then the Huawei Honor may not impress you with its specifications and looks but as mentioned earlier Huawei mostly aims at the sweet spot between price and performance and with a current price tag set at around 240Euros inside the EU they almost did it. I say almost because right now you can get the quite better LG Optimus 2X smartphone at around the same price so that's perhaps the most important problem of the U8860 Honor and i sincerely hope that Huawei resolves that soon by cutting its price. Overall the Huawei U8860 Honor is a solid mid-end smartphone without any serious issues whatsoever so if you are out to buy a new phone we really recommend giving it a chance and that's why we also award it with our Golden Award.




- Quite Fast/Smooth Operation
- High Resolution (480x854p) 4" FWVGA Screen
- Custom Android Interface
- 8mp HD Camera With LED Flash
- Rear Cover Color Variety
- Free Huawei Cloud + Drive Storage (16Gb)
- Audio Quality
- Call Quality





- Rear Cover Quality
- No Video Call (May Get Resolved In Future Updates)
- Price