13 - 06 - 2024
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wi stor wizard 05t

The Wi-Stor Wizard comes in black color and measures 124mm in length, 74mm in width and 23mm in height with a weight of 264g.



wi stor wizard 06t

As you can see the device is not much larger than a standard smartphone like the LG Optimus 2X.



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Ontop of the device we have 5 activity LEDs, a white one for Wi-Fi connectivity and 4 blue ones indicating the remaining battery life.



wi stor wizard 08t

At the front of the device we see the Wi-Fi On/Off switch, micro-USB charging port (for the device itself) and a reset button.



wi stor wizard 09t

Moving onto the rear we see the power on/off switch that also doubles as the start/stop charging button and a SD card slot.



wi stor wizard 10t

A USB charging port (used to charge other devices) is placed on the left side right next to an Ethernet RJ-45 port and a USB port used to connect flash drives and portable drives.



wi stor wizard 11t

The IP address, user name and password, electrical requirements, serial number, MAC address and several certifications are placed on the right side.