01 - 06 - 2024
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Measuring 158mm in height, 125mm in width and 71mm in depth with a weight of 755g (fan included) the NH-U12S Redux looks identical to its predecessors.



The hole at the top is used to make installation easier but unfortunately Noctua doesn't bundle their long screwdriver with the Redux version.



The heatsink of the NH-U12S once again features a grant total of 50 aluminum fins.



All of the fins are bend on both sides to keep as much air as possible coming from the fan from leaking left and right.



This time over Noctua has used an NF-P12 Redux fan model (1700RPM/70.74CFM/25.1dBA).



Noctua also send over the NA-FK1 kit which includes a 2nd NF-P12 Redux fan (for dual-fan tests).



The sole difference between the NH-U12S and the Redux version is number of 6mm thick heatpipes which this time over are four instead of 5.



A thin layer of NT-H1 thermal paste is pre-applied on the base of the NH-U12S Redux.



Of course, i always remove the stock paste to check the base which in this case almost has a mirror-like finish.



With the 2nd fan attached in push & pull the width of the NH-U12S Redux increases to roughly 100mm.