13 - 06 - 2024
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With the NF-A12x25r fan installed the NH-D12L weighs 890g and measures 145mm in height, 125mm in width and 113mm in length.



Taking a look from the top we see that Noctua has placed their name and logo on both the heatsinks and the fan.



Each of the two heatsinks has a total of 38 aluminum fins evenly spaced and closed from the sides (for optimal airflow levels).



The NF-A12x25r is an 120mm round frame fan which as mentioned earlier can achieve speeds of 2000RPM to produce 60.1CFM of airflow with just 22.6dBA of noise.



Worth pointing out is that in order for the NH-D12L to be a zero clearance model (with RAM modules) the front heatsink is smaller than the rear (without the fan the NH-D12L weighs 700g).



All five 6mm thick copper nickel plated heatpipes pass through all 76 aluminum fins.



The copper base is nickel plated but doesn't feature a mirror like finish (polished).



Above you can see the NH-D12L with two NF-A12x25r fans in push and pull (the front fan position will depend on the height of your RAM modules).