13 - 06 - 2024
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scythe mugen 5 pcghb

   The original Mugen 5 by Scythe followed the same path as most of its predecessors so it offered very good cooling efficiency thanks to its combination of a large body and a mid-speed fan. Of course even a 1200RPM fan is not completely silent so in order to further improve the performance of the Mugen 5 in that specific area Scythe had to become a bit creative. The brand new Mugen 5 PCGH incorporates two low-speed fans to offer similar cooling efficiency while at the same time producing almost 15% less noise. Now I have to admit that this is not a game changer (especially since even the 45.9dBA at load recorded when testing the Mugen 5 is not a high number) but for people who are looking for a quiet yet high-performance CPU Air Cooler to use in their HTPC the Mugen 5 PCGH is obviously a better choice compared to its predecessor.

   Currently the Mugen 5 PCGH CPU cooler by Scythe retails for 55.98Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) a price tag which lands it roughly 6-8Euros over the “regular” Mugen 5 model. Personally I think that both models are very good at their job with the first slightly better in terms of cooling efficiency and the second slightly quieter. At the end of the day it all comes down to what your needs are so if you’re looking for a high-performance yet inaudible CPU cooler and size is not an issue then the Mugen 5 PCGH is for you and that’s also why it gets our Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Very Good Performance
- Zero Clearance Issues with Most Mainboards
- Easy Installation (H.P.M.S II)
- Almost Inaudible (Even At Load)
- Dual Fan Solution


- Size (For Some)