01 - 06 - 2024
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Here we see the NH-D15 ready with both NF-A15 stock fans prior to mounting the Chromax accessories on it.



 Starting with the NA-HC4 heatsink covers in order to mount them you will need to remove the plastic base seen above.



After that you have to attach both bases onto the two heatsinks with the metal clips as seen above.



It's easier to attach the NF-A15 HS-PWM fans prior to mounting the aluminum covers so that should be your next step.



Now place the aluminum covers over the plastic bases and push them downwards (Easy right? Do keep in mind that the covers increase the height of the heatsink by 6mm and the width by 3mm).



You may choose to go with the white heatsink instead but we feel black looks better (Noctua should had made white NF-A15 HS-PWM fans as well).



With the NA-HC3 heatsink covers things are slightly different since you will need to place the swappable inlays in the covers prior to mounting them onto their bases.



The black and red color combination is probably the best one for the NH-D15 but if red is not your color you can change the inlays and the rubber pads to blue, green or yellow instead.



The above before and after picture shows what you can expect from the Chromax accessories at a glance.