01 - 06 - 2024
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Without the Silent Wings 3 fan the heatsink of the Dark Rock Slim measures 159.4 in height, 127mm in width and 47.4mm in length and weighs just 483g.



Just like with previous models be quiet! has equipped the Dark Rock Slim with a brushed aluminum top cover with diamond cut finish.



The heatsink of the Dark Rock Slim features a total of 51 black coated aluminum fins (52 if we include the top cover).



On both sides parts of the fins are bend inwards to further improve air circulation inside the heatsink.



Two vibration absorbing rubber strips are placed on the front of the heatsink (however since be quiet! packs 4 fan clips we were expecting two more at the rear - or two extra ones bundled).



The four 6mm copper heatpipes are also black coated and look quite impressive.



It may not feature a mirror like finish but the nickel plated copper base of the Dark Rock Slim is polished and has no machine marks on it.



Be quiet! has used a new Silent Wings 3 model (part number points to a previous model), although not the fastest one in their 120mm line of fans.



With the Silent Wings 3 fan mounted the Dark Rock Slim now measures 159.4 in height, 127mm in width and 72mm in length and weighs 620g.