01 - 06 - 2024
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Both the Celsius+ Prisma S24 and S28 look almost identical (and with the S36 of course).



In terms of thickness both aluminum radiators are pretty much identical (according to my measurement tool the S28 radiator is slightly thicker).



In size however whereas the aluminum radiator of the S24 measures 284mm in length and 122mm in width that of the S28 measures 324mm in length and 143mm in width.



As mentioned earlier both radiators feature the same FPI (fins per inch) number of 21.



I was a bit surprised to see that even though the radiator of the S24 model has fin protective plates beneath the screw/mounting holes (just like the S36 model) the radiator of the S28 does not (to be honest it doesn't have to since water ducts are located not under the mounting holes in 140mm wide radiators - still protecting the fins would also look nice).



Between the two fittings we find the same 3-way ARGB fan hub as with the S36 model.



Both models feature 400mm long sleeved tubings which should more than enough even for use in full towers.



The pump/base combo features a glass top and 6 addressable RGB LEDs right beneath it (rotate the top to switch from Auto to PWM mode - as with my review of the S36 i recommend using PWM mode for the best results).



A 3-pin ARGB header is located on the left side of the pump.



As with the Celsius+ Prisma S36 the sleeved tubes of both the S24 and S28 models can rotate up to 90+ degrees from the base.



Both copper coldplate bases come ready with a thin layer of thermal conductive material (which i always remove for my tests).



The AL-12 PWM RGB fans (120mm/2000RPM/85.71CFM/2.78mm H2O/32.7dBA) and the AL-14 PWM ARGB fans (140mm/1700RPM/103.9CFM/2.38mm H2O/34.1dBA) are quite similar and all feature rubber pads on all 4 ends.



Here you can see the difference in size between the Celsius+ Prisma S24 and S28 models far more clearly.



With their fans mounted both AIOs now measure roughly 55mm in thickness.