14 - 06 - 2024
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be quiet pure loop 360 review b

   Two things we can all take from today’s review, first that the Pure Loop 360 outperforms its predecessor the Silent Loop 360 (alas not by much) and that it does so without higher noise output (the pump is pretty much inaudible). What I can’t really comment on is durability but using a standalone pump instead of either having it on the waterblock or the radiator should be a good thing. Using 400mm long rotatable sleeved tubes was also the right call, yes, a leak may be more possible (compared to the fixed ones of the Silent Loop) if someone was to damage them during installation (happens) but that does help simplify installation. The lack of RGB illumination is probably the one thing that will disappoint some of the younger target group and yes, the white LED on the base looks nice but still nowhere near to what RGB would. Yes, be quiet! like Noctua doesn’t want to focus on that but a simple compromise could be possible (for example instead of the white LEDs they could had used RGB ones).

   The Pure Loop line of AIO liquid CPU coolers by be quiet! was officially launched today and so the 360mm variant can be found for just USD119.90 inside the USA (Newegg.com) and for 126.05Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de). This is of course a very competitive price tag for a tri-fan 360mm model especially if we take into account cooling efficiency, build quality and noise levels. Yes, the Pure Loop 360 may not be the jack of all trades (does lack RGB illumination for example and that's clearly important to some people) but it delivers on its primary selling points which is why it deserves the Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Near Excellent Cooling Efficiency
- Thin Waterblock with White Illumination (Easier To Mount)
- Up To Six 120mm Fans In Push & Pull
- 400mm Long Sleeved Rotatable Tubes
- Price (For Some)


- Long Radiator
- Noise Levels
- Lacks RGB Illumination (For Some)