15 - 06 - 2024
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xpg levante 360 review b

   The Levante ARGB line of AIO CPU liquid coolers was announced roughly 3 years ago so it’s not among the latest models to hit the market. Of course, this also applies to Asetek’s 7th generation pump which has been since replaced with their 8th generation model. Still as you can see from the charts the Levante 360 ARGB does quite well not only in terms of cooling efficiency but also noise levels. Unfortunately, the bundled fans don’t produce the same levels of airflow and static pressure as with many other fan models used with AIO coolers so cooling performance is not quite on par with what I was expecting, always compared to similar size models (and even some of the latest 240mm models).

   At the time of this review the Levante 360 ARGB AIO CPU Liquid Cooler by XPG retails for USD178.89 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for around 190Euros inside the EU so it’s not exactly affordable, not for a 3-year old model. So even though even 2 years ago I’d had highly recommended the Levante 360 ARGB to all of you reading these lines right now I can’t and the reason is simple, there are far too many AIO models in the market currently that either perform roughly the same but cost less or perform better and cost roughly the same. Still if you are able to find the XPG Levante 360 ARGB at a bargain price (it seems XPG is slowly discontinuing it) then why not, I do think it’s worth checking out in that case.



- Build Quality
- Good Cooling Efficiency
- 400mm Long Sleeved Rubber Tubes
- ARGB Pump / Fan Illumination
- Easy Installation
- Bundled ARGB Controller


- Overall Performance (Compared To Newer Models)
- Current Availability
- Price (For Some)
- Compatibility (360mm AIO)