13 - 06 - 2024
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deepcool lt720 aio review b

   Even though it took me just over a year to receive a sample of the LT720 AIO by DeepCool I recall colleagues of mine talking about just how great it was in regards to cooling efficiency. That however was back then, today the LT720 is just another good performance AIO which doesn’t really stand out in that regard. Yes, cooling efficiency is certainly good and in terms of noise levels the LT720 does better compared to many other 360mm AIO models in the charts but the same can be said about quite a few others (and some do offer better performance as well). Now the infinity mirror ARGB LEDs on top of the pump do look nice but as expected the lack of ARGB fans might disappoint some potential buyers. On the other hand, being widely available in both black and white colors is certainly one of the good things the LT720 has going for it.

   What about cost however? Well, at the time of this review the Infinity Series LT720 AIO by DeepCool retails for USD124.04 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 120.86Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) thus being quite affordable. Good cooling efficiency and looks at an affordable price and with a 5-year limited warranty are just some of the reasons the LT720 gets the Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Cooling Efficiency
- ARGB Infinity Mirror
- Available In Black & White Colors
- 410mm Long Sleeved Tubes
- Easy Installation
- Anti Leak Technology
- 5 Year Limited Warranty


- Non RGB/ARGB Fans