01 - 06 - 2024
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First step to mounting any water cooling kit is to mount the compression fittings on all three parts of the kit (do this with your hands only if possible, any stress by machinery could result in one of more leaks).



After that we mount the fans and since our Obsidian 900D case has a total of 7 Noctua Redux intake fans we decided to mount the fans facing upwards (no performance change with this kit when mounted facing downwards in our case, however if your case doesn't have very good airflow you should invert the fans).



With both fans mounted the main body of the EK-KIT Classic RGB S240 now measures 53.15mm in thickness.



Of course, the EK-CoolStream Classic SE 240 radiator is dwarfed inside a huge case like the Obsidian 900D.



Mounting the waterblock is very easy on LGA2011/LGA2011-3/2066 mainboards, just install the 4 thumb screws, place the 4 springs and then secure the thumb nuts over them (just don't forget to apply a drop of thermal conductive material).



Last part is to mount the reservoir/pump combo which in our case was done on the lower right side of the case (some people ask why i don't like taking pictures of our X79 test rig when doing CPU cooler reviews and the answer is simple, not the best looking interior ever).