01 - 06 - 2024
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As you all know we never place installation pictures because A) it's very easy to install a CPU Cooler nowadays and B) out test rigs are nowhere close to our photo bench so the quality of the pictures if we were to take some would be a lot worse compared to our normal ones. Still we did decide to take shots of custom watercooling kits once installed inside our test rig.

raystorm 750 ex280 25t

The good thing with very large towers like the 900D is that you can mount even longer radiators at the top.



raystorm 750 ex280 26traystorm 750 ex280 27t
Like i said the blue LEDs do add an extra flash to the kit but a bit brighter would be nice.



raystorm 750 ex280 28t

The first time you put coolant in the reservoir it will start to spread throughout the loop so you will need to add more until you see that the reservoir is full (we used 1 litre exactly). Custom loops also hold some air inside so it may take a while for air to bleed out completely.