15 - 06 - 2024
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cool answer 360 ddc xt 18t

Although Alphacool doesn't include installation instructions with their kit (not really and the ones online are again "not enough") it's very easy to install it so once again we started from the CPU block.



cool answer 360 ddc xt 19t

After that we had to install the pump next to the reservoir as seen above.



cool answer 360 ddc xt 20t

Once installed do remember that you need to tilt the entire reservoir for water to get in the pump (you will see the air bubbles coming out while you do that) prior to starting up the kit. Fortunately the opening at the top makes it very easy to fill the reservoir with fluid during that procedure.



cool answer 360 ddc xt 21t

One of the things you need to remember is to remove the plastic insert covers and replace them with these ones.



cool answer 360 ddc xt 22t

Last came the radiator and although the 900D has room for even larger ones this feels right at home.



cool answer 360 ddc xt 23t

A UV reactive fluid would look great in these clear tubings but that's easy to find in the market.