01 - 06 - 2024
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For their new FURY Renegade RGB line Kingston used black polished aluminum heatspreaders which have their name on one side and a small sticker containing the serial number, frequency, timings and voltage requirement on the other.



The RGB LED bar covers the entire top of each of the modules and has the brand name printed at the center.



Ι placed the FURY Renegade RGB right next to the Acer Predator Apollo RGB to properly showcase the low-profile heatspreaders (42.2mm top to bottom).



The FURY Renegade RGB modules look great even at default rainbow mode when attached on the EVGA Z590 DARK (unfortunately at this time the FURY CTRL software didn't load properly so i was unable to control the RGB effects - nor showcase it here).



Here you can see information/details on this specific kit via the popular Thaiphoon Burner software.