13 - 06 - 2024
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neo forza mdk5 96gb 6ghz review b

   Moving from 64GB to 96GB RAM for dual channel systems and from 128GB to 192GB RAM for quad-channel systems may not seem as a big deal to the vast majority of users but this step is something both professionals and enthusiasts had been waiting for a long time. Well, we’re finally there and if plenty of RAM wasn’t enough as you can see from todays review such dual-channel kits are also very easy to overclock (from 6GHz with 1.3V all the way to 7GHz with 1.38V is a very good result – yes, I went slightly higher with this kit to see just how well 48GB modules overclock) something which should appeal especially to enthusiasts. The lack of ARGB/RGB lighting is something that would mostly look bad to gamers (and yes, some enthusiasts and even professionals as well) but gamers are not really the target audience of such kits to begin with. Height on the other hand is something many people across the board care about and the Neo Forza MDK5 modules are among the shortest ones out there right now.

   Once again, I find myself unable to track down a Neo Forza product and so I can only offer the company MSRP for the MDK5 96GB dual-channel kit which is currently set at a very tempting USD263/245Euros (VAT not included). With that out of the way there’s not much else i can say about the MDK5 96GB dual-channel kit by Neo Forza, it offers plenty of RAM for even the most demanding users out there (at least with dual-channel motherboards), it’s quite fast out of the box, the low profile heatspreaders fit everywhere and it overclocks very well so the Golden award is in order.


- Build Quality
- Good Performance
- Overclocking Headroom
- Listed Kits (Dual/Quad Channel Up To 7.8GHz)
- Low Profile Heatspreaders
- Limited Lifetime Warranty
- Price (For Some)


- Current Availability
- Lack Of RGB Lighting (For Some)