13 - 06 - 2024
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msi mpg z390 gaming pro carbon review 1t

The MPG Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon gets shipped inside a black box that has the company logo at the front and a sports car drawing in the background.



At the base of the box we find the main features of the motherboard next to a warning, both printed in 18 languages.



Several of the features are printed at the rear of the box around a product picture.



Along with the MPG Z390 Gaming Pro Carbon you will also get a driver CD, two SATA 6Gbps cables, LED y-cable, LED JCORSAIR cable, LED JRainbow cable, SLI Bridge, M.2 screws, VIP card, SATA Cable Labels, case sticker, user manual and the quick installation guide (we received a 2nd hand sample so the bundle may be incomplete).