01 - 06 - 2024
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evga x570 dark review 1tEVGA once again packs their latest DARK model inside a black box that has their logo, model name and AMD Ryzen logos at the front and rear (well, minus the Ryzen logo at the rear).



The box is also black inside and as you can see the motherboard is placed right between two black pieces of foam (the rest of the bundle is placed inside an accessory kit box).



In terms of bundle EVGA leaves nothing out so once again aside the motherboard itself the box also contains a full size virtual guide (made out of thick plastic), dual WiFi Antenna, four SATA 6Gb/s Cables, probeit voltage measurement connector, two M.2 Thermal Pads, two M.2 screws, motherboard mounting screws, 10 very tall standoffs, plastic case badge, compact USB flash drive (contains the initial drivers) and the installation guide.