14 - 06 - 2024
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As always, the purpose of this section is not to build a functional system but rather to showcase what you can expect from the case at hand in terms of interior space.

We started this build from the rear and as you can see there's just enough room for up to 850W-1KW models.



Installing a regular ATX sized mainboard still leaves a good amount of room in the case.



155mm may not be enough height for some CPU coolers but there are some good models within that limit.



Instead of fans you can mount an 240mm radiator at the front without any issues (and you can mount fans on it if you place it high enough - however that means less space for a graphics card).



Mounting an 280mm radiator at the top is somewhat hard (memory clearance issues) but you shouldn't have a problem with any 240mm model.



Even if you decide to place a radiator at the front with fans you still should have around 300-310mm left for a long graphics card.