13 - 06 - 2024
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As always, the purpose of this section is not to build a functional system but rather to showcase what you can expect from the case at hand in terms of interior space.

Even with the drive cage attached there's plenty of room in the PSU area for models up to 1KW.



Both available rubber grommets are accessible with ATX sized mainboards.



For this review we used an 280mm radiator for the front but as mentioned many times already you can easily mount an 360mm one (up to 40mm in thickness) if you remove the drive cage.



At the top there's enough room for a 240mm radiator but do keep in mind that if you're using tall memory modules you may have clearance issues with the fans.



With enough room for 170mm tall CPU air coolers you are able to mount most models in the market today.



Without a front radiator you have enough room for up to 370mm long graphics cards (and with a radiator you have roughly 320-330mm).