13 - 06 - 2024
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The interior of the Pure Base 500DX is almost identical to that of the Pure Base 500 Window.



At the front there's enough room for an 240/280/360mm radiator but in order to install an 360mm one you will need to remove the drive cage located at the base of the case (on the left, above and beneath the company logo, there's room for two 2.5" drives).



The PSU cover is made by steel and is perforated at the top.



Again, the lack of rubber grommets on the mainboard tray is not ideal.



As mentioned earlier the right side panel is dressed with noise-dampening material on the inside.



On the other side of the mainboard tray we see the steel tray used to mount the two front 2.5" drives, steel bar used to mount two more 2.5" drives, the bottom drive cage which can accommodate one 2.5" and two 3.5" drives and of course the PSU area.



The drive cage is held in place via two thumbscrews so removing it to mount an 360mm radiator at the front is easy (as with the Pure Base 500 you can move the drive cage further to the right if you plan on installing a slim 360mm radiator).



Both the tray and the bar are held in place with thumbscrews and are made out of steel.



I think it's also worth pointing out that be quiet! has placed an ARGB LED strip at the top of the case.