01 - 06 - 2024
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fractal design vector rs blackout review 1t

The Vector RS Blackout Light TG is packed inside a plain cardboard box that has a product drawing at the front right beneath the company logo and next to its color (version) and a fragile sticker.



Printed on the left side are the product specifications and on the right side we see a drawing of the interior.



An exposed drawing of the case is placed at the rear of the box right beneath its main features printed in 5 languages.



As usual the tower is wrapped inside a plastic bag and placed between two foam spacers.



Another cardboard box is used to hold the various parts.



Inside the box you will find the ventilated top cover, top filter, top fan/radiator bracket, cleaning cloth, Adjust R1 ARGB controller, 6 cable ties, 5 bags with mounting screws, warranty information paper and the user guide.