01 - 06 - 2024
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The POLLUX Alfa is a mid-sized PC case measuring 540mm in height, 615mm in width and 240mm in length/thickness.



As mentioned earlier both side panels are made out of tempered glass.



The fascia is made out of aluminum and has a large cut-out from where you can see the pre-installed 120mm ARGB fan.



Moving further up we find the I/O which includes the on/off and reset buttons, two USB ports (2.0/3.2) and the usual microphone and headphones 3.5mm jacks.



The top has room for two 120mm fans or a single 240mm radiator and also has a magnetic air-filter.



Turning the POLLUX Alfa around we find the other two pre-installed 120mm fans and the 7 PCI expansion slots.




Unlike the tempered glass panel placed on the left the right one seems to be green tinted.



The case sits on 4 round rubber feet and has another magnetic air-filter at the base.