13 - 06 - 2024
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seasonic arch q503 review b

   As a standalone case the ARCH Q503 may not offer anything new (especially in terms of looks, although we don’t see models with both side panels made out of tempered glass a lot) but combined with the PRIME CONNECT GOLD power supply units it certainly offers a far better degree of cable management compared to regular cases. On top of that however the CONNECT SSR-750FA power supply unit also performed extremely well in terms of rail stability so it’s not a model aimed just to improve on how the ARCH Q503 looks. Unfortunately, the 135mm fan used is quite loud when at full load and as a matter of fact since it’s the same unit used in the SYNCRO CONNECT 850 model Seasonic has probably used an even more aggressive profile this time over (the SYNCRO model was far more silent). Interior space is good overall, yes, it’s far from stellar and the fact that you only have room for an 360mm radiator at the front may disappoint some users but overall, it features more room than your average mid-tower.

   The ARCH Q503 + CONNECT 750 combo was announced in May this year and currently retails for USD339.99 inside the USA (Newegg.com) and for around 340Euros inside the EU, a price tag which is indeed higher than expected (especially since the SYNCRO bundle costs roughly the same in the EU – inflation of course is also to blame for this). Yes, you are getting the module pre-installed and overall, the bundle does perform extremely well but it’s only natural for consumers on a budget to consider other choices. That being said the ARCH Q503 + CONNECT 750 combo does deliver as advertised and even though it doesn’t quite stand out i strongly recommend checking it out if optimal cable management is among your priorities.



- Good Build Quality (Tempered Glass Side Panels)
- 750W 80 Plus Gold Power Supply Unit With Module
- Three 120mm Fans (Up To 8)
- 2 Radiator Mounts (240/280/360mm)
- Space For 165mm Tall CPU Coolers, 380mm Long Graphics Cards & 230mm Long Power Supply Units
- Top & Bottom Air Filters


- Price (For Some)
- Overall Availability