01 - 06 - 2024
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The brushed aluminum body of the SMART EM30 measures 446mm in height, 467mm in length and 207mm in width.



Worth pointing out is that you can use it with and without the 2 bundled aluminum feet.



An PC case without a side panel made out of tempered glass nowadays does seem weird but an aluminum panel is still preferred by many people.



There are 7 horizontal cut-outs at the front all of which allow air to reach the interior of the EM30.



As usual the I/O is located at the top and includes the power on/off button and LED, USB-C port, USB 3.1 port and a 3.5mm headphones port.



The top is made out of CNC machined aluminum and features a total of 25 cut-outs.



Moving at the rear we find the power port, 120mm fan area and the 7 PCI expansion slots.



The entire base of the EM30 is perforated to allow for even better airflow.