14 - 06 - 2024
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hyte y40 review b

   Just like the Y60 the Y40 offers something relatively new to consumers, a panoramic view of the interior which combined with the vertical GPU slot (and the PCIe 4.0 riser cable) makes for a rather unique result. For good or bad the Y40 with its 50 litre interior space is not worlds apart with its larger brother the Y60 and its 60 litre interior space so that is something that may “push” some consumers to the larger model (it’s not much of a difference in size after all – price is another story). Build quality is good and as for the fact that HYTE makes the Y40 available in 4 colors again that’s not something we see a lot in this market. The two pre-installed fans may not look as much but they do well in terms of airflow, at least in such a small PC case and as for the only drive tray well it shouldn’t be an issue, not with the majority of users.

   Currently retailing for USD149.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 165.05Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) the HYTE Y40 Panoramic PC Case is priced around the same as other similar models (needless to say price depends on the color). Unfortunately in terms of pricing the Y60 lands very close and as i already mentioned it does seem to represent a slightly better value than the Y40. That being said the Y40 by HYTE delivers where it counts from looks and interior space to build quality and color availability and that’s why it gets the Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Design (Panoramic)
- Compact Size
- Interior Space (ATX Motherboard / 2 Radiators / 422mm Long GPUs / 224mm Long PSUs)
- 2 Preinstalled 120mm Fans
- Vertical GPU Installation (PCIe 4.0 Riser Cable Included)
- Right Side, Bottom & Top Dust Filters
- Available Colors (Black / White & Black / White / Red)


- No RGB Lighting
- Price (Too Close To The Y60)