01 - 06 - 2024
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As always, the purpose of this section is not to build a functional system but rather to showcase what you can expect from the case at hand in terms of interior space.

The 3.5" drive area doesn't feature trays so you just have to slide your drive inside.



With enough room for up to 170mm long power supply units you should have no problem installing up to 1KW models.



As you can see even after mounting a ATX sized mainboard all of the surrounding holes used for cable routing are accessible.



If you decide not to use the bottom 3.5" drive slots you can actually install a very thick 360mm radiator at the front (however you will not be able to secure all screws).



Just like with the Versa J24 TG RGB unlike what Thermaltake states on the specifications sheet the V200 TG RGB also has enough space at the top to mount a 240mm radiator with fans (just not a thick one).



Let's not forget that you can also mount CPU Air Coolers up to 160mm in height.



Without a front radiator the V200 TG RGB has enough room for 380mm long graphics cards but even if you do decide to mount a very thick one you still have around 310-320mm left.