01 - 06 - 2024
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chieftronic gpu 750fc review b

   Chieftec has never been among the most popular PSU companies in the market but judging by the performance of the PowerPLAY GPU-750FC model their Chieftronic sub-brand may actually have a shot at this. Rail stability is very good, the 80 Plus Gold electrical certification is the 3rd best available currently, noise levels are more than acceptable, the list of electrical protections is endless and on top of that design is not what we usually see in the market (spiderman anyone?). Actually, the only “negative” thing i can see with the GPU-750FC (and the entire PowerPLAY line for that matter) is its 3-year limited warranty which is significantly less compared to what we see by the leading companies in this segment of the market (most offer at least 5 years now).

   The PowerPLAY GPU-750FC model currently retails at around 120Euros inside the EU, a price tag which puts it right between several similar output models (just a tad less however wouldn’t be a bad thing). At the end of the day the Chieftronic PowerPLAY GPU-750FC is a very good power supply unit and so if you’re out in the market for a new one and you can actually find it where you’re at you should really give it a chance since it does come highly recommended by us.



- Build Quality
- Very Good Rail Stability
- Fully Modular Design
- 80 Plus Gold Certified
- Electrical Protections (AFC/OVP/OPP/OCP/OTP/SIP/SCP/UVP/No load operation)
- Peak Output (888W)
- Zero RPM Feature


- Warranty (Always Compared To The Competition)
- Current Price (Slightly Higher Than Expected)
- Current Availability