13 - 06 - 2024
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fractal design ion+ 860p review b

   It’s been a while since Fractal Design had sent something over so the ION+ 860P (among others) was a good surprise. This is indeed one of the best sub-1KW models to ever arrive in the lab. Rail stability proved to be very good, build quality is pretty much great, the 80 Plus Platinum Certification is the 2nd best around and as for noise levels even though at full load they do become somewhat annoying, or the most part they sit beneath what I’ve come to expect. My only “issue” with the ION+ line is that it stops at 860W and that output might just not be enough for some users with dual graphics cards.

   With a current price tag set at USD160.45Euros inside the USA (Amazon.com) and at around 160Euros inside the EU the ION+ 860P PSU by Fractal Design is among the most affordable models in its class. This together with its strong single +12V rail (71.6A) which can deliver its full output of 860W, the 80 Plus Platinum efficiency certification, available electrical protections and its very good rail stability are more than enough for you to check the ION+ 860P out and for us to give it our Golden Award.


- Very Good Build Quality
- Solid Rail Stability
- Fully Modular (Future Proof)
- 80 Plus Platinum Certified
- Zero RPM Mode
- Electrical Protections (OCP/OVP/UVP/SCP/OTP/OPP)
- 10 Year Limited Warranty
- Price (Compared To The Competition)


- Noise Levels (At Max Load)
- Only Up To 860W