01 - 06 - 2024
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dark power pro 12 1500w review b

   The brand new Dark Power Pro 12 1500W has it all, excellent build quality, the top electrical efficiency certification available currently (80 Plus Titanium), powerful multi +12V rails (or a single massive +12V rail), output (roughly 1700W peak), looks and a very generous 10 year limited warranty. Unfortunately, since my test bench can’t go over 1100W even under heavy load my noise level tests may not be 100% accurate so do expect slightly higher numbers if you happen to climb over that amount (still noise levels shouldn’t be an issue under any scenario). All that’s really left is price so let’s see just what be quiet! asks for their latest flagship.

   The Dark Power Pro 12 1500W Power Supply Unit by our friends over at be quiet! currently retails for USD449.99 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 417.10Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) a price tag which is actually not extremely high for an 1500W unit, especially since there’s but a few such models available in the market today. At the same time the Dark Power Pro 12 1500W is also not what anyone would call affordable but considering that it’s aimed towards people with graphics cards that cost at least twice as much (and in all probability systems that cost many times as much) it doesn’t need to be. Overall, as mentioned already the Dark Power Pro 12 1500W has it all and since it’s without doubt among the top 3 models in the market today it certainly deserves the Platinum Award.


- Excellent Build Quality
- Solid Rail Stability
- 80 Plus Titanium Certified
- Electrical Protections (OCP/OVP/SSP/OPP/UVP/OTP)
- Low Noise Levels
- Fully Digital
- Frameless Silent Wings 135mm Fan
- Multi & Single Rail Mode (40/45A & 125A)
- 10 Year Limited Warranty
- Design


- Price (For Some)
- Available Outputs (1200/1500W)