14 - 06 - 2024
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be quiet pure power 11 fm 750w review b

   The Pure Power 11 FM 750W by be quiet! performed very well during all tests, that includes both rail stability (not exactly rock solid for these load levels but very good regardless) and noise levels (doesn’t have a zero-RPM mode but up to 300-400W load it’s actually almost inaudible). Build quality is also very good all across the board, yes, the primary TEAPO capacitors may not inspire quite the same level of confidence as their Japanese counterparts but with a 5-year limited warranty you really shouldn’t worry about that (not to mention that CWT is among the leading manufacturers in the market today). One thing you may need to pay attention at is the two +12V rails since they may not be the ideal choice for high/ultra-high end graphics cards (although it is unfathomable to me that people who spend that much on a graphics card would choose to not get one of the Dark Power models instead).

   The Pure Power 11 FM line of 80 Plus Gold certified power supply units was officially launched just hours ago with the 750W variant (L11-FM-750W) retailing for around USD114.90 inside the USA (MSRP only – the entire line is not available at the time of this review) and for 117.86Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de). So, unless 750W is just not enough to cover your needs (in which case one of the Dark Power models would be a far better fit) the brand new Pure Power 11 FM 750W power supply unit by be quiet! has your back and for everything it offers it gets the Golden Award.


- Build Quality
- Very Good Rail Stability
- 80 Plus Gold Certified
- Fully Modular
- Electrical Protections
- Peak Output (888W)
- 5 Year Limited Warranty


- Current Availability (USA)
- TEAPO Capacitors (For Some)