14 - 06 - 2024
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silverstone strider titanium sst st1100 ti review 1t

The Strider Titanium 1100W arrived inside a white box that has a partial product picture at the front right next to the company logo, main features and the 80 Plus Titanium logo.



At the base of the box, we find the specifications, electrical table and available power connectors of the Strider Titanium 1100W.



Turning the box around we find the product features printed in 10 languages and right next to several graphs and drawings.



Typically, the power supply unit is wrapped inside a plastic bag and placed inside two pieces of foam whereas the rest of the bundle is placed in a cardboard box.



Along with the Strider Titanium 1100W its modular power cables and its power cable inside the box you'll also find a fan filter, 4 cable ties, 4 cable straps, 4 mounting screws, 4 mounting thumbscrews, product line specifications paper and the user manual.