01 - 06 - 2024
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phanteks revolt x 1200w review 1t

For the Revolt X line Phanteks uses a black box that just has their logo at the front right over the name of the line and next to the 80 Plus Platinum logo.



Both the specifications and electrical table are located on the left side.



At the rear of the box, we find the product specifications in 8 languages right under the list of included games and the 12 year limited warranty.



Typically, the power supply is wrapped inside a cloth cover and placed between two foam spacers while the rest of the bundle is placed inside a storage pouch.



Aside the Revolt X 1200W PSU, its power cord and modular cables inside the box you’ll also find 12 cable ties, 5 cable straps, 4 mounting screws, Phanteks case badge, proper connectivity paper and the user manual.