13 - 06 - 2024
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seasonic prime tx 1300 review 1t

The PRIME TX-1300 arrived inside a very long silver and black box that has the Seasonic logo, 80 Plus Titanium certification, product line, warranty information and some of the main product features at the front.



Turning the box over we see the product features printed in 11 languages.



At the top Seasonic mentions that this model is ready for upcoming graphics cards thanks to its two 12VHPRW connectors.



The product features are all printed at the rear of the box next to two graphs and a product picture.



As expected, the power supply unit is placed between two thick foam spacers.



Along with the main body of the PRIME TX-1300 inside the box you’ll also find the power cord, modular power cables, carrying/storage pouches (for both the PSU and its modular cables), USB adapter with USB type-C cable, PSU tester, 12 cable ties, 5 cable straps, 4 case stickers, 4 mounting screws, several cable holders, sweepstakes paper, installation guide and the user manual.