01 - 06 - 2024
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seasonic vertex gx 1000 review 1t

The VERTEX GX line is shipped inside a black and gray box that has the company logo, product line name and some of the main product features at the front.



Seasonic has placed the specifications table on the left side of the box just over the bundled power cables.



Moving at the rear we find a small product picture, an efficiency graph and the product features.



The PSU is placed between two pieces of black foam.



Aside the VERTEX GX-1000 power supply unit inside the box you'll also find the power cord, modular power cables, carrying/storage pouch (for the modular cables), PSU tester, 12 cable ties, 5 cable straps, case sticker, 4 mounting screws, sweepstakes paper, installation guide and the user manual.