13 - 06 - 2024
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be quiet pure power 12 m 1000W review b

   Be quiet! released their very first power supply unit roughly 2 decades ago and the rest as they say is history. I really can’t think of a single power supply unit under the be quiet! brand name to have ever arrived in the lab that didn’t perform extremely well and well, the Pure Power 12 M 1000W is no exception. Rail stability is very good across the board, noise levels even at full load are lower than similar output models (although not inaudible) and as for build quality even though the Taiwanese capacitors may not have quite the same prestige” as Japanese ones (durability shouldn't be an issue however) and thus some people may prefer to look at another unit, they are still manufactured by two very well established companies in the field. On top of all of the above add the wide selection of models (550/650/750/850/1000W) and the 10-year limited warranty and the Pure Power 12 M line is a solid choice especially for people with PCIe 5.0 systems.

   After roughly a month in the global market the Pure Power 12 M 1000W power supply unit by be quiet! retails for USD164.90 inside the USA (Newegg.com) and for 181.92Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de), a price which is more or less what you’d expect for an 1KW ATX 3.0 & PCIe 5.0 compatible model. So, at the end of the day there’s really not much more I can say about the Pure Power 12 M 1000W model, performance and features are both there and even though availability outside the EU could indeed be better and the Taiwanese capacitors may honestly not agree with everyone everything else is more than enough for the Golden Award.


- Very Good Build Quality
- Solid Rail Stability
- ATX 3.0 & PCIe 5.0
- 80 Plus
- Electrical Protections (OCP/OVP/SSP/OPP/UVP/OTP)
Dual Strong +12V Rails (46A/42
- 10 Year Limited Warranty


- Current Availability (USA)
- Taiwanese Capacitors (For Some)