01 - 06 - 2024
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All modular cables bundled with the MEG AI1300P feature individually sleeved cables but the 12VHPWR has all of them together.



For a 1.3KW unit the MEG AI1300P is very compact measuring just 160mm in length, 150mm in width and 86mm in height.



The 120mm fan sits right beneath a nice looking grill that has the MEG logo on one of its corners.



Both the MEG and company logos are placed on the sides of the enclosure.



I was a bit surprised to see that these are magnetically attached (thus you can remove them entirely - would be nice had MSI also provided different color pieces in the bundle).



As expected, the electrical table is placed on a sticker at the belly of the unit.



There are a total of 15 modular connectors on the MEG AI1300P all of which are tagged and divided into sections. Here we also see the mini USB port which is needed to use the MSI center software.



Moving at the rear we find the usual honeycomb perforation along with the on/off power switch, power port and the MEG logo.