01 - 06 - 2024
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    SilverStone made a name of themselves primarily due to their PC cases and then their power supply units so whenever I do get one by them, I have high expectations. The HELA 850R Platinum doesn’t disappoint, rail stability is for the most part rock solid, noise levels are way within acceptable levels (note that my test rig only drew about 750W out of this PSU so if your system draws more chances are noise levels will increase, alas by a little) and as for build quality, zero complaints by me. Still, this is a model that made its debut in late 2022 something which is easy to notice since it comes with a single 450W +12VHPWR connector (as opposed to the 600W ones found in most of the latest models). Yes, even this should be plenty for most graphics cards but for people who may want something more one of the higher output models in the HELA line could be a better choice.

    Currently the HELA 850R Platinum by SilverStone retails for USD219.79 inside the USA (Amazon.com) and for 237.50Euros inside the EU (Amazon.de) so it’s a tad more expensive than expected. Overall, the HELA 850R Platinum is a very good power supply unit but being almost 18 months in the global market means there are many newer and higher performance models available, quite an few even by SilverStone themselves. Still based on its overall performance and build quality the HELA 850R Platinum clearly deserves the Golden Award.


- Good Build Quality
- Solid Rail Stability
- ATX 3.0 & PCIe 5.0
- 80 PLUS Platinum Certified
- Electrical Protections (OCP/OVP/SCP/OPP/UVP/OTP)
- Single Strong
+12V Rail (70.8A)
- Semi Fanless
- 5 Year Limited Warranty


- 18 Months In The Market
- Price (For Some)