13 - 06 - 2024
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THE X300 14TB









The X300 14TB is the very first helium-filled HDD we've received by Toshiba and you can easily tell just by looking at the laser-wielded enclosure.



As usual the sticker on top of the drive lists the drive's capacity, rotational speed, buffer, installed firmware, electrical requirements, revision number, factory rollout date (May 2019), country of manufacture, serial number, part number, barcodes and several certifications.



Just like every other 3.5" drive to date the enclosure of the X300 14TB has three mounting holes on each side.



Taking a look at the "belly" of the drive we see that all of the modules are placed on the other side of the PCB for increased protection (the standard SATA power and data connectors are placed at the rear end right next to 4 pins).