01 - 06 - 2024
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toshiba mk3001grrb 01t

As always we received the "bulk" version of the drive placed inside a static shielding plastic bag.



toshiba mk3001grrb 02t

Unlike retail packages bulk ones just contain the drive itself.



toshiba mk3001grrb 03t

Written on the large sticker placed at the top is the drive model, serial number, barcode, connectivity type, firmware version, revision, rollout factory date, electrical requirements and several certification logos.



toshiba mk3001grrb 04t

As expected all of the chips are placed on the interior of the blue PCB for increased protection.



toshiba mk3001grrb 05t

The SAS port is different from the regular SATA one so although you can use SAS cards with SATA drives you can't do the opposite.



toshiba mk3001grrb 06t

Compared to most regular 2.5" drives (9mm) the MK3001GRRB is actually quite thicker (14mm).