14 - 06 - 2024
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mg03aca400 01t

As usual we received our HDD sample inside an anti-static bag but you should be able to find the same drive in a retail box version.



mg03aca400 02t

The MG03ACA400 may be yet another 3.5" HDD but the top design points to a more "reliable" solution.



mg03aca400 03t

Once again at the top we find the information sticker with the units serial number, part number, barcodes, electrical requirements, installed firmware version, factory rollout date and several certification logos.



mg03aca400 04t

As it is pretty much standard all of the main components are placed on the opposite side of the PCB.



mg03aca400 05t

At the rear of the drive we find the usual SATA connector along with 4 pins used for factory firmware updates.