01 - 06 - 2024
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THE 5K1500










travelstar 5k1500 01t


I look forward to the day that we will get a 2.5" HDD sample in retail packaging until then however the normal static-free bag will do.



travelstar 5k1500 02t

Although the 5K1500 has three plates/disks inside still it's just 9.5mm thick like the 7K1000.



travelstar 5k1500 03t

The model name, part number, serial number, barcodes, capacity, connectivity, speed, electrical specifications, factory roll out date and much more can be seen on the large sticker ontop of the drive.



travelstar 5k1500 04t

Standard procedure dictates that all of the components are placed on the interior of the PCB for increased protection.



travelstar 5k1500 05t

The usual power and data SATA ports are present at the rear.



travelstar 5k1500 06t

I thought it would be nice to put the 7K1000 right next to the 5K1500 so all of you can see that they are exactly the same in thickness although the second has 3 plates/disks.