14 - 06 - 2024
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constellation es3 sed 01t

Yes once again our sample arrived in bulk form and inside a plastic clamshell protective.



constellation es3 sed 02t

If not for the SED classification and the PSID number (Physical Security. IDentification) with the 2D barcode used for the encryption part of the drive the Constellation ES.3 SED looks just like the regular version.



constellation es3 sed 03tconstellation es3 sed 04t
Two seals are placed on the two sides of the drive and a large sticker covers the rear PCB (FIPS 140-2 feature).



constellation es3 sed 05t

The large sticker at the top still carries the Constellation ES.3 name along with other information including barcodes, serial number, model number, part number, factory rollout date (in our case it's May 23rd 2013), electrical requirements and of course the PSID number and the 2D barcode.



constellation es3 sed 06t

This particular drive has SATA III power and data connectors along with 4 pins probably used for FW updates.